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Our Vision:

A world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Our Community

Niagara Area Habitat for Humanity recognizes the great need for affordable housing in the City of Niagara Falls and Niagara County. With a little help, we all have the potential to stand on our own. Decent, affordable homeownership allows families to lead better, healthier, more financially stable lives. Strong, stable homes help build strong and stable communities.

Community Facts

The Poverty Rate in Niagara Falls is 46% Higher Than Anywhere Else in NYS

90% of the homes in the city were built prior to 1969 and as a result, many homes in the city are falling into disrepair and suffer from higher rates of health hazards such as lead paint and asbestos.

46% of Children in the City Live in Poverty and a Lack of Access to Affordable Housing is a Major Reason Why.

58% of renters and 77% of low income renters in Niagara Falls are housing cost burdened, meaning they pay more than 30% if their income towards rent.

Over 50% of All Rental Units Rental Units in the City are Considered Substandard

Over half of all of the rental units in the City of Niagara Falls are considered substandard, meaning they are either unsafe, lack adequate kitchen and plumbing facilities or are unaffordable.

There is 1 Unit Available for Every 6 Niagara Falls Families Who Need Housing.

Section 8 Housing Assistance is Available in Niagara Falls, but the demand greatly exceeds the supply-wait lists can be more than 5 years. As a result, some families live in substandard conditions or make difficult tradeoffs.

Your Donations Make a World of Difference

Every gift helps a family build a foundation. 

Why Housing Matters

The lack of decent, affordable homes has forced more than 11,000 families in Niagara County to pay well over 30% of their monthly income on housing. The issue is worse in the City of Niagara Falls where 77% of low income renters are forced to pay over a third of their monthly income on housing.

Just an Hour of Your Time Can Forever Change the Life of a Family In Our Community

The Impact of Affordable Housing


With a little help, we all have the potential to stand on our own. Homeownership helps to break cycles of poverty, and allows families to invest in their futures. 90% of Habitat for Humanity Homeowners say that they could not have owned a home without help from Habitat.


Decent, affordable homeownership provides the foundation for a better future. Homeownership leads to improved health and improved school performance in children. Families owning homes are less likely to rely on government assistance and are able to build net family wealth.


Decent, affordable housing benefits not only the homeowner, but also the surrounding community Safe homes and neighborhoods are the foundation to secure communities and schools. Transforming blight into beautiful homes strengthens the pride residents have in their neighborhood.


Adequate housing is vital to the well-being of our economy. Neighborhoods strengthened by decent homes attract economic investment and development. Reduced vacancy and increased tax base creates an economic stimulus which positively impacts community stabilization.

Your Donations Make a World of Difference

Every gift helps a family build a foundation. 

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716 - 265 - 9010

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1221 Main Street, Lower Niagara Falls, NY 14301